You don’t need anyone to define you

For all the women out there… 

Writing out my feelings for each and every women on this occasion of Women’s day..

Hey girl why u look for someone else to spend your life…

Why you are searching for your life everywhere when it is inside you…
Just lift your head for once…

You will see the path of your destiny..

Try to meet your soul girl because it will lead to your life..
Travel the path in search of your existence…

Write your own story..

You don’t need anyone to define you.
These bangles on your wrist aren’t the sign of weakness…

Voice of these bangles give music to ur soul and tells you how beautiful you are …

Don’t let these fears to overcome you..

Be proud to be Women…

You don’t need anyone to define you..

5 thoughts on “You don’t need anyone to define you

  1. You’ve got such a talent for writing! These poems are absolutely brilliant – I love that you’re taking really politically hot issues and turning them into something absolutely stunning – keep it up and never stop writing! 🙂

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